Kroger 101


·         You can now view the Kroger coupon policy for Michiganonline. Please that Kroger’s coupon policy clearly states in each store ad: Limit 3 Manufacturer’s Coupons will be Doubled (up to $1.00) per Like Items Purchased.
·         NOTE on Printable Coupons: Some Kroger stores have been denying the redemption of any printable coupon over $1, so proceed with caution when using printable coupons. You can view/print the Kroger Print-at-Home Coupon Acceptance Policy here, which does not specifically restrict the use of printables over $1.
*I have never had issues with printable coupons.
·         You WILL need a Kroger card to take advantage of these offers; sign up for one at the Customer Service desk if you do not have one!


·         Take your own bags to Kroger and you’ll receive a credit for $0.05 per bag used on your shopping order. You may need to remind your cashier to deduct your credit, however, as the computer will not do it automatically!
·         Load digital coupons to your Kroger card before you shop: visit Cellfire , P&G eSaver , Shortcuts  and Kroger Digital Coupons . Each website lists the e-coupons that can be loaded onto your Kroger Card so that you can save even more! E-coupons are limited to one use per card and will NOT double. Kroger digital coupons may NOT be combined with actual paper manufacturer coupons.
*I have never had a problem with them combining the digital coupon with the paper ones.